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Filmer som kommer på bio och dubbas

Startat av Elios, 26 mars 2011 kl. 00:14:39

Föregående ämne - Nästa ämne

0 Medlemmar och 1 gäst tittar på detta ämne.


Jag tror nog Elementärt  och Önskan kommer bli ännu bättre än Super Mario Bros. Filmen :D

Inget illa ment.

Snälla ta inte ila upp.

Jag har inget emot  Super Mario Bros. Filmen

Jag tror bara det kommer bättre animerad filmer i år.

Ska bli kul att se hur Ruby – Havsmonstret blir också :)
I care about many things-

Things-not people.

People, too. I cannot divide my feelings up as neatly as you,
and I am not hiding behind my canvas-I am living in it.


Detta kommer säkert inte som någon överskattning  till nån men jag ska så klart se Den lilla sjöjungfrun(2023) dubbade på bio ! :D

Mamma var lite tveksam men jag övertalade henne att se den på svenska  :D

Hon vet att jag är väldigt intresserad av dubbningen och en superbra mamma :D

I care about many things-

Things-not people.

People, too. I cannot divide my feelings up as neatly as you,
and I am not hiding behind my canvas-I am living in it.


Jag är ganska orolig över en sak med Änder!.
I care about many things-

Things-not people.

People, too. I cannot divide my feelings up as neatly as you,
and I am not hiding behind my canvas-I am living in it.


Hoppas jag gillar dubbningen av Ruby- Havsmonster.

Blir kul och se hur den blir.
I care about many things-

Things-not people.

People, too. I cannot divide my feelings up as neatly as you,
and I am not hiding behind my canvas-I am living in it.


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem har blivit flyttad framåt.

Den kommer alltså komma ut tidafre än fröst tänket :D
I care about many things-

Things-not people.

People, too. I cannot divide my feelings up as neatly as you,
and I am not hiding behind my canvas-I am living in it.


Är det någon som planerar att se  Paw Patrol: Storfilmen i oktober ?
I care about many things-

Things-not people.

People, too. I cannot divide my feelings up as neatly as you,
and I am not hiding behind my canvas-I am living in it.


Ozi: Voice of the Forest hsr fått ett svenskt release datum.
I care about many things-

Things-not people.

People, too. I cannot divide my feelings up as neatly as you,
and I am not hiding behind my canvas-I am living in it.


Det här medlandet gjord mig väldigt glad idag :D
I care about many things-

Things-not people.

People, too. I cannot divide my feelings up as neatly as you,
and I am not hiding behind my canvas-I am living in it.


Idag kommer det att komma en ny trailer för Änder.
I care about many things-

Things-not people.

People, too. I cannot divide my feelings up as neatly as you,
and I am not hiding behind my canvas-I am living in it.


Jag ska noh se Dom små hjältarna på bio :D
I care about many things-

Things-not people.

People, too. I cannot divide my feelings up as neatly as you,
and I am not hiding behind my canvas-I am living in it.


I care about many things-

Things-not people.

People, too. I cannot divide my feelings up as neatly as you,
and I am not hiding behind my canvas-I am living in it.


I care about many things-

Things-not people.

People, too. I cannot divide my feelings up as neatly as you,
and I am not hiding behind my canvas-I am living in it.


Undrar Vaiana 2 kommer gå på bio i Sverige 🇸🇪 
I care about many things-

Things-not people.

People, too. I cannot divide my feelings up as neatly as you,
and I am not hiding behind my canvas-I am living in it.