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Kändisar som aldrig dubbat men som borde göra det

Startat av E, 7 januari 2019 kl. 22:10:41

Föregående ämne - Nästa ämne

0 Medlemmar och 2 gäster tittar på detta ämne.


I care about many things-

Things-not people.

People, too. I cannot divide my feelings up as neatly as you,
and I am not hiding behind my canvas-I am living in it.

Steffan Rudvall

Citat från: gstone skrivet 18 november 2023 kl. 13:58:12Jag gissar ;)
Du gissar fel, det är endast Peter Rangmar från det ursprungliga gänget som har gått bort...


Citat från: Steffan Rudvall skrivet 18 november 2023 kl. 13:59:45Du gissar fel, det är endast Peter Rangmar från det ursprungliga gänget som har gått bort...
Tänkte att många gamla arister kankse är döda,

Var han med i Galenskaparna eller After Shave ?

Förvisso slog dom sig ihop efter ett tag, nen om jag förståt rätt började dom seperat ;)
I care about many things-

Things-not people.

People, too. I cannot divide my feelings up as neatly as you,
and I am not hiding behind my canvas-I am living in it.


Förvisso dubbade han en gång , men jag tycker att han borde göra det åtmistonde en gång till.

Jag tycker Oscar Zia borde dubba igen.
I care about many things-

Things-not people.

People, too. I cannot divide my feelings up as neatly as you,
and I am not hiding behind my canvas-I am living in it.


Citat från: gstone skrivet 18 november 2023 kl. 20:43:27Förvisso dubbade han en gång , men jag tycker att han borde göra det åtmistonde en gång till.

Jag tycker Oscar Zia borde dubba igen.
Vilken dubbning har han medverkat i?


I care about many things-

Things-not people.

People, too. I cannot divide my feelings up as neatly as you,
and I am not hiding behind my canvas-I am living in it.


I care about many things-

Things-not people.

People, too. I cannot divide my feelings up as neatly as you,
and I am not hiding behind my canvas-I am living in it.



I care about many things-

Things-not people.

People, too. I cannot divide my feelings up as neatly as you,
and I am not hiding behind my canvas-I am living in it.


I care about many things-

Things-not people.

People, too. I cannot divide my feelings up as neatly as you,
and I am not hiding behind my canvas-I am living in it.



I care about many things-

Things-not people.

People, too. I cannot divide my feelings up as neatly as you,
and I am not hiding behind my canvas-I am living in it.


Citat från: gstone skrivet 18 november 2023 kl. 21:48:35Ett medvetet val ?

Eller har det bara inte blivet av ?
Svårt att svara på, jag har helt enkelt inte sett den ännu, allt har sin tid...


I care about many things-

Things-not people.

People, too. I cannot divide my feelings up as neatly as you,
and I am not hiding behind my canvas-I am living in it.


I care about many things-

Things-not people.

People, too. I cannot divide my feelings up as neatly as you,
and I am not hiding behind my canvas-I am living in it.