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Inlägg - MrKirby92

Citat från: Steffan Rudvall skrivet 11 maj 2024 kl. 17:38:18@Daniel Hofverberg has the final say, but it doesn't seem fair to ban someone who hasn't caused any trouble on the forum.
I didn't do anything wrong I was about to leave discord But something happened I'm not gonna leave the internet I can enjoy my life You don't need to make me look bad everywhere.I go that stuff was in the past and i've already said sorry to everyone about that
Is there any update on the Swedish subtitled version that aired on TV in 1994? But because that definitely is worth something Also if it hasn't been Uploaded, I will upload the brave little toaster goes to Mars in Swedish on internet archive And YouTube
Citat från: MB skrivet 29 mars 2024 kl. 22:44:08So what are the good news?
I found out that the Norwegian dub For the sequels exist , I have a newspaper screenshot If you'd like to see them I can send them to you
Citat från: Steffan Rudvall skrivet 29 mars 2024 kl. 21:56:14Scare us away? It's just that Daniel has a very large collection so it's not easy and it takes him time to find the specific tape. Also now it's easter So he can't look for it.
No I meant nobody has replied in a while. But at least I gotta reply. Let's keep the conversation going. I got some good news.
Citat från: MrKirby92 skrivet 26 mars 2024 kl. 03:26:14That's okay you should check it out And see what it looked like. I'm assuming the aired around 1994 since I have newspapers You don't have to get it right away. Nobody's resting. You don't have to do it at all. It would be nice though, if we could see what this looked like.
Did I scare everybody away
Citat från: Daniel Hofverberg skrivet 26 mars 2024 kl. 00:39:11I may have taped the first film from FilmNet, I'm not sure. If I do, it's not digitized anyway, so it may take a long time to find the VHS tape and digitize it - I don't have the best order amongst my VHS tapes...
That's okay you should check it out And see what it looked like. I'm assuming the aired around 1994 since I have newspapers You don't have to get it right away. Nobody's resting. You don't have to do it at all. It would be nice though, if we could see what this looked like.
Citat från: Mathilda Gustafsson skrivet 25 mars 2024 kl. 23:31:14You know if there isn't a second Swedish dub we can't provide you with one
I wasn't necessarily talking about dubs anymore. But that yet again, I swear I didn't think that there was 2 Swedish dubs even though there is 2 Swedish titles 
Citat från: Daniel Hofverberg skrivet 25 mars 2024 kl. 01:58:00The first film aired a dozen times on FilmNet 1994, and a couple of times on TV4 1994 and 1996. I'm pretty sure both were in its original version with subtitles; no dub (although I can't be 100% sure here and now).

But TV1000 doesn't appear to have aired the first film.
Do you perhaps have any tvrip/vhsrip Of the first film
Citat från: Mathilda Gustafsson skrivet 25 mars 2024 kl. 10:57:33It probably doesn't exist, the movie at least on TV4 was in English with Swedish subtitles
You realized that I did not mean that Specific tv channel, I meant channels like TV 4. Stuff that actually had possibilities of airing. Please let me know if anybody has a TV airing subtitles. Or the just the dub Please let me know. I am a serious collector and I am getting stuff by the minute and minute. Like test animations for the unreleased and canceled. CGI brave little toaster film. From 2012.
Citat från: Daniel Hofverberg skrivet 25 mars 2024 kl. 01:58:00The first film aired a dozen times on FilmNet in 1994, and a couple of times on TV4 in 1994 and 1996. I'm pretty sure both were in its original version with subtitles; no dub (although I can't be 100% sure here and now).

But TV1000 doesn't appear to have aired the first film.
Well, maybe 1 day someone will find it But if anyone has it please let us know
Citat från: Will Siv skrivet 24 mars 2024 kl. 22:47:37Agree, it sounds like Jasmine.
Does anyone have a TV airing of the first film?
Citat från: Will Siv skrivet 24 mars 2024 kl. 22:44:09I've heard Toaster is voiced by a man in the Finnish dub.
I am talking about the sequels. I know about the first film. I have almost all of the dubs for that.
Citat från: Erika skrivet 24 mars 2024 kl. 08:25:04Also suspect this.

It's Steve Kratz.
Does anyone know if there is a Norwegian or Danish dub for these films Maybe even Finnish A lot of people Think it is possible.
Citat från: Steffan Rudvall skrivet 24 mars 2024 kl. 03:38:44So he found the sequels for you? Or did Erika share them with you? Still hopes that he will put them on the Internet Archive...
I can and Erika sent them to me
Citat från: Erika skrivet 23 mars 2024 kl. 19:53:15They are dubbed, if I remember correctly.
Hey, thank you for the dubs. I really appreciate it I uploaded all the songs