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Svenska röster som är bättre än originalen

Startat av Steffan Rudvall, 13 juni 2020 kl. 10:01:18

Föregående ämne - Nästa ämne

0 Medlemmar och 1 gäst tittar på detta ämne.

Steffan Rudvall

Will Siv


I care about many things-

Things-not people.

People, too. I cannot divide my feelings up as neatly as you,
and I am not hiding behind my canvas-I am living in it.


Citat från: Mathilda Gustafsson skrivet  2 juni 2022 kl. 22:49:40Han har inget namn! Han heter ju odjuret!

Ursäkta sent svar...

Han kanske inte nämns vid namn i filmen, men han heter Adam.


Alla de som dubbat Don DeLouise! (som gett röst till Jeremy i Brisby och NIMHs Hemlighet, Tiger i Resan Till Amerika, Fagin i Oliver och Gänget, Itchy i Änglahund och Stanley i Trollet i Parken)

Don gör visserligen ett mycket bra jobb i samtliga dessa roller, men vilka roller han än gör så överträffas han alltid av de som fått dubba honom på svenska.


Rösterna i orginaldubbningen av Taran och den magiska kitteln är bättre än dom engelska rösterna.
I care about many things-

Things-not people.

People, too. I cannot divide my feelings up as neatly as you,
and I am not hiding behind my canvas-I am living in it.


John Harryson  är en bättre  I-Or än Peter Cullen.
I care about many things-

Things-not people.

People, too. I cannot divide my feelings up as neatly as you,
and I am not hiding behind my canvas-I am living in it.


I care about many things-

Things-not people.

People, too. I cannot divide my feelings up as neatly as you,
and I am not hiding behind my canvas-I am living in it.


I care about many things-

Things-not people.

People, too. I cannot divide my feelings up as neatly as you,
and I am not hiding behind my canvas-I am living in it.


Nils Eklund som Ugglam  i Bambi 2.
I care about many things-

Things-not people.

People, too. I cannot divide my feelings up as neatly as you,
and I am not hiding behind my canvas-I am living in it.


  • Ted Åström som Bering och Niklas Falk som Chilkoot i Björnbröder 2.
I care about many things-

Things-not people.

People, too. I cannot divide my feelings up as neatly as you,
and I am not hiding behind my canvas-I am living in it.


Iwa Boman som SelmaLena-Pia Bernhardsson som Änkan Tweed, Gustav Levin som Amos Slade och Bengt Järnblad som Tjifen i Micke och Molle 2.
I care about many things-

Things-not people.

People, too. I cannot divide my feelings up as neatly as you,
and I am not hiding behind my canvas-I am living in it.


I care about many things-

Things-not people.

People, too. I cannot divide my feelings up as neatly as you,
and I am not hiding behind my canvas-I am living in it.


I care about many things-

Things-not people.

People, too. I cannot divide my feelings up as neatly as you,
and I am not hiding behind my canvas-I am living in it.


I care about many things-

Things-not people.

People, too. I cannot divide my feelings up as neatly as you,
and I am not hiding behind my canvas-I am living in it.